Free Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) Calculator | AI-Powered CSAT Analysis

Your customers' satisfaction is the heartbeat of your business. Just upload your document or paste the CSAT survey text, and watch the magic happen. Don't confuse Benty’s free CSAT survey analysis tool with others on the market. Not only does Benty calculate your CSAT score, but it also provides a comprehensive report with insights, recommendations, customer segment-specific CSAT values, and more.

We are currently developing a free CSAT survey analysis tool to offer valuable insights to our users even before our official launch. Below is a sample report generated by the tool. It is assumed that the sample CSAT survey data includes information on location, gender, and user segment. Join our waitlist to be notified as soon as the tool is available.

CSAT Survey Analysis - Sample Report

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  • Total Responses: 300
  • 4 and 5 Scores: 234
  • Total Comments: 184
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A CSAT score of 78 for a SaaS company is a solid indicator of customer satisfaction. It suggests that the majority of users are pleased with the product and the overall experience, though there is still room for improvement. In the SaaS industry, where customer experience is key to retention and growth, a score of 78 reflects a well-received product but also highlights the importance of addressing the concerns of the remaining 22% who may be neutral or dissatisfied. By focusing on enhancing user experience, customer support, and feature updates, the company can aim to increase satisfaction and loyalty.

CSAT per Location
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The overall CSAT score of 78 for the SaaS company indicates a solid level of customer satisfaction. However, the satisfaction levels vary significantly by location. Singapore has the highest CSAT score at 88, suggesting that customers in this region are highly satisfied with the product or service. The USA also shows a strong satisfaction level with a CSAT of 86, followed by Italy at 82 and Australia at 81—both above the overall average. These regions are performing well, indicating that the company’s offerings align well with customer expectations in these areas. Canada, with a CSAT of 80, is slightly above the overall average, while the UK (76) and Australia (73) are just below, showing moderate satisfaction levels. However, Spain has a notably low CSAT score of 58, indicating a significant gap in meeting customer expectations in that region. This suggests that targeted improvements are needed in Spain to address specific customer concerns and elevate overall satisfaction to the level of other regions.

CSAT by Gender
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Female customers have a higher CSAT score of 82, which is above the overall average, indicating that they are more satisfied with the product or service provided by the company. This suggests that the company’s offerings, communication, or support may resonate more effectively with female customers. On the other hand, male customers have a lower CSAT score of 74, which is below the overall average. This indicates a relatively lower satisfaction level among male customers and suggests there may be areas where the company could better meet their expectations or needs. This gender disparity in satisfaction could highlight opportunities for targeted improvements in user experience, product features, or customer support to boost satisfaction across all customer segments.

CSAT per User Segment
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The Enterprise segment has the highest CSAT score at 88, indicating that larger companies are particularly satisfied with the SaaS offering. This could suggest that the product's features, support, and pricing align well with the needs of Enterprise clients. Freelancers also report high satisfaction with a CSAT score of 83, suggesting that the product is well-suited to their requirements as well. On the other hand, the Mid-Market segment has a slightly below-average CSAT of 73, pointing to some areas of improvement to better meet their expectations. The Small Business segment, with a CSAT score of 68, reflects the lowest satisfaction among user groups, indicating a potential mismatch between the product offerings and the needs of smaller businesses. The company may benefit from investigating the specific pain points for Small Business customers and adjusting its strategy to enhance satisfaction for this segment.

  • Customer Service Quality:

    Several customers have expressed dissatisfaction with customer service response times and support quality, particularly among Enterprise users. This indicates a need for improving support processes.

  • Pricing Concerns:

    Some users, especially from the Mid-Market and Small Business segments, mention that the pricing structure is confusing or too high. This suggests that the pricing model needs re-evaluation or better communication.

  • Product Usability:

    Many comments suggest that while the core product is robust and intuitive, there are specific usability issues such as mobile app performance, integration with other tools, and user interface navigation.

  • Reliability and Performance Issues:

    A few comments highlight bugs and reliability problems, which detracts from overall user satisfaction. This is particularly mentioned by Enterprise users who rely heavily on consistent performance.

  • Feature Requests:

    everal comments indicate a desire for more customization options and additional features, indicating an opportunity to enhance the product offering.

  • Enhance Customer Support:

    Improve response times and provide dedicated support teams for Enterprise customers to ensure quicker and more effective solutions.

  • Review Pricing Strategy:

    Conduct a comprehensive pricing analysis and consider offering more transparent and flexible pricing plans that cater to different customer segments.

  • Improve Usability and Interface:

    Invest in UI/UX improvements, particularly for the mobile app and integration capabilities. Consider collecting more user feedback specifically about the interface.

  • Focus on Reliability:

    Allocate more resources to bug fixing and QA processes to ensure a smoother and more reliable user experience.

  • Expand Product Features:

    Develop a roadmap that includes the most requested features and customization options. This could also be used in marketing efforts to attract more users.

  • Update Help Documentation:

    Regularly update help documents and tutorials to ensure they are current, comprehensive, and user-friendly